Raise the Roof: An Update

Funds have been raised, and now prospective contractors have been made aware. Many, many wheels have been set in motion toward the next stop on our journey to a new, historically sound slate roof atop Lancaster Central Market.

If you’re just tuning in, the Central Market Trust identified the aging asphalt roof of Market as cause for concern in 2010, at the dawn of a major renovation project to upgrade interior functional aspects of the Market House. Knowing that its replacement would involve major fundraising, it was deemed at the time that the project would need to be completed at a later date. And that date is imminent!

Because the 1889 Market House is on the Secretary of the Interior’s Register of Historic Places, a recommendation was made that slate be used to replace the asphalt roof – both to restore the roof to its original state and to make an investment in the preservation of this special place for the next 100 years.

Therefore, the Central Market Trust launched a fundraising campaign in the Fall of 2016, with a goal of raising the estimated $1.5 million for the project. It was incredible to see the community band together in support of the beloved Market that stands in the heart of the City of Lancaster. And as a result, the Trust met its goal by Spring of 2017.

(For a list of our generous donors who gave more than $500, please see the list below.)

All of which brings us to earlier this week, when prospective contractors met at City Hall for a pre-bid meeting. They gathered in reviewing the scope of the project, asking questions, and visiting Market for further review. It is an exciting milestone to have hit! Only to be soon outdone by the next on the list, though, when the sealed bids are submitted to the City by April 4, 2018.

Shortly thereafter, the City will open the bids, review them, and choose an official bid based on the combination of most qualified contractor and lowest bid submitted, and will award a contract within a 60-day timeframe for work to begin raising the roof.

There is still much work to be done, but bit by bit, we are making our way toward raising a new beautiful roof at Lancaster Central Market. Please stay tuned as we share the details of this exciting process!

Each of the following donors have contributed $500 or more to raising the roof. We are so grateful for your generous support!

Bill & Susan Adams
Blakelyn & Fred Albright
James Argires
Marlene Arnold
Dr. & Mrs. William R.A. Boben
Margot Brubaker
Brenda Buescher
Matthew Buckwalter
Budd & Connie Callman
Linda & Patrick Castagna
Central Market Juice Company, LLC
Dr. J. Frederick & Theodora M. Chairsell
Wendy Chan
Millicent & Peter Christie
City of Lancaster
Wendy & Larry Clement
Thomas Hills Cook
County Of Lancaster
Dennis & Gaye Cox
Matthew Creme
Joe Devoy / Tellus360
Philip Wenger & Steve Dinnocenti
David & Cindy DiSavino
Ryan & Elizabeth Doherty
Ed Drogaris
AJ Drumheller
Daniel Dube
Eric Berman & Jane Eddy
Pete Egan
Robert & Carol Falk
Franklin & Marshall College
Friends of Central Market
Fulton Bank
Fulton Family Foundation
John & Susan Garafola
Anne Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gardner, Jr.
David Gelatt
John Gerdy
Marshall Snively & Paul Gibbs
Susan & Douglas Glouner
Abbie & Ely Gonick
Bill Beyer & Leslie Gorbey
Mary & Rich Goss
Allison Gray
The Honorable J. Richard Gray
Anne & Don Griswold
Hammel Associates Architects, LLC
Bruce R. Martin & John L. Haney
Christina Hausner
Mary Colleen Heil
John Hershey
Larry & Janet Hess
Wendy Jo Hess
John Higgs
Carrie Nunan Hill
Lisa & Randall Horst
Sally Jarvis
J.A. Sharp Custom Jeweler
Aimee & Dennis Johnsonbaugh
Samuel Kauffman
George Katsaros
Charlotte & Mike Katzenmoyer
Eric & Elizabeth Kennel
Cathryn Ketterman
Bob & Mary Kilgore
Fran Kinderwater & Family
Brad Clark & Jennifer Kindig
Kitchen Kettle Village
Mr. & Mrs. David Kohler
Michael & Liz Lambert
Lancaster Farmhouse by RM Heagy
Richard & Lynda Levengood
Jessica Mailhot
Donald & Stacy Main
Guy Martin
Marjorie McCarthy
Tom McGovern
Bernard & Anne McGrann
John McGrann & Mara Creswell McGrann
Christian & Gladdie McMurtrie
Karin Meacham & Forever Friends at Lancaster Central Market
Mean Cup
Ann & Richard Miller
Mrs. Milton K. Morgan, Jr.
Arthur Morris
Valerie A. Moul
Paul & Jane Mueller
Jennifer & Ron Mundy
Murray Securus
Music For Everyone
National Novelty Brush Company
Peggy Neff
Sam & Nancy Neff
Nikolaus & Hohenadel, LLP
John & Kandi Null
Laura & Stephen Olin
Randall & Rosanne Oyer
Wayne & Dolores Parsil
Joan & Wayne Paxton
Kathy & Mike Peck
Carl & Ellen Pike
Pineapple House Creations
Maureen Powers
Danene Sorace & Christian Recknagel
Stephanie Reese
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher (RKL) LLP
Andrew Rice
Ginjr & Jack Robinson
Joseph F. Roda
Nelson & Rose Rohrer
Harriet & George Rosenstein
Robin Sarratt & Thomas Ryan
Clyde Weaver Company
Michael & Kate Saladik
Emma Hamme & Adam Schott
Gregory & Terri Scott
Donna Shaeffer
Jean Sharf
Gene & Tanis Shaw
Roger Shenk
Deidre & Bill Simmons
Ralph Simpson
Dr. John R. Gerdy & E. Follin Smith
Randy & Scott Smith
James & Carol Spicher
Elliot Sterenfeld
Kathleen Stoltzfus
Amy Tamulis
Patrick Tell
Kathleen McAllen & Jeff Thornton
James Thomas
The Anne L. & Robert K. Bowman Family Foundation
The H & H Group
The Next Generation Foundation
The S. Dale High Family Foundation
The Stadel Family
The Steinman Foundation
Thomas A. & Georgina T. Russo Family Foundation
TriStarr Staffing
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Charles & Marjorie Walker
George & Ann Weaver
Douglas & Linda Weidman
Bill & Phyllis Whitsell
Willis & Elsie Shenk Foundation
Sally & Paul Wise
Suzanne & Chris Woodard
Cheri & Wayne Work
Kathleen Gerbert & Bryan Yingling
Michelle McCall Zug


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