Become a Standholder

For information on becoming a standholder at Lancaster Central Market, please download and familiarize yourself with our application packet. It includes a letter about the application process, a checklist to assist you in deciding if Market is a good fit for your business, and the application itself. Please send all completed applications to or complete the form below. Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of Lancaster Central Market!

Want to learn more? Download Application packet.

Standholder Application

  • Contact Information

    Please provide information for all applicable fields.
  • General Business Information

    Please provide information for all applicable fields.
  • Description of Offerings

    The Central Market Trust (CMT) works hard to provide Lancaster Central Market customers with a carefully planned product mix. What products do you want to sell? Please be as specific and complete as possible.
  • Lancaster Central Market is a mix of various size stands that become available at different times. How much space (how many linear feet frontage) will your stand need?
  • Lancaster Central Market Template Business Plan

    Low turnover of stands is important to the success of Lancaster Central Market, so we want all new stands to succeed. Please complete this "mini-business plan" to provide an expectation of your costs and revenue.
  • Mini Business Plan Formula

    Average Number of Sales Per Market Day (x) Average Value of Each Sale (=) Projected Revenue Per Market Day (x) 13 Market Days Per Month (=) Projected Revenue Per Month (-) Product Cost (-) Monthly Rent (-) Monthly Labor Costs (-) Monthly Utility Costs (-) Interest Expense for Borrowed Money (-) Other Regular Expenses (=) PROJECTED MONTHLY PROFIT
  • Please enter your projected monthly profit based on the formula provided.
  • Most businesses that fail do so because of lack of cash for working capital. You will need enough money to carry your business through the time before it becomes profitable.